Garden of God

There is a flower of love in God's garden,
When all around there are weeds.
But the weeds just wither and perish,
While the flower of God's love scatters seeds.

There is a flower of joy in God's garden,
When sorrow just seems here to stay.
But sorrow will be gone in the morning
As God's joy will light up the day.

There is a flower of peace in God's garden,
When all around there is war.
God's peace will blossom forever
Till crying and pain are no more.

Patience blossoms in God's glorious garden,
When there seems no end to the night.
As sorrow just builds upon sorrow,
In God's time all will be right.

Kindness grows free in God's garden,
When all seems so mean and so cruel.
It comforts those trapped in the darkness
And is there for wise man and fool.

Goodness grows tall in God's garden,
When sin seems to carry the day.
God's goodness far greater than evil,
And the cruel words people will say.

Sturdy faithfulness is found in God's garden,
When promises just fritter away.
Spreading hope is God's faithful purpose,
Fresh and resplendent each day.

A gentle breeze blows through God's garden,
When outside storms buffet and rage.
It refreshes the lonely and hurting
And opens a new joyful page.

God is in control of His garden,
When we panic and lash out in fear.
He knows the direction to lead us,
And the key to His garden is here.